Check back often to see what’s happening at St. John’s UMC Lutherville.
Find us on Facebook: StJohnsUnitedMethodistChurchLuthervilleMd
Adult Sunday School & Discussion Group. Meet after the Worship Service in the Library or on Zoom.
Adult Sunday School & Discussion Group meets after the Worship Service in the Library and on Zoom. Expand your spiritual journey by taking a deeper dive into the Bible in a small group setting.
read moreWelcome Pastor Kat Cheyney!
Today we welcome our new Pastor, Kathleen “Kat” Cheyney to St. John’s/Idlewylde Cooperative Parish. We look forward to getting to know you and working with you to further our Lord’s kingdom here in Lutherville.
read morePlease join us for a Farewell Luncheon for Pastor Lemuel Dominguez.
Date & Time: Sunday, June 11th ,2023, Noon (Following the 11:00 Sunday Worship Service at Idlewylde, our “sister church”) Place: Idlewylde U.M. Church, 1000 Regester Ave., Baltimore, MD 21239 Please attend either (or both) of Pastor Lem’s services this Sunday: 9:30 St. John’s U.M. / 11:00 Idlewylde U.M. PASTORAL CHANGE – effective July 1, 2023. Bishop Easterling and the Cabinet offered Pastor Lem a position of Associate Pastor at Grace UMC on Charles Street which he accepted. Rev. Kathleen “Kat” Cheyney has been appointed to the St....
read moreWe’re feeding the hungry for Jesus this summer.
We’re feeding the hungry for Jesus this summer. Meet in the Fellowship Hall after Sunday Worship to make a lot of PBJ’s and Ham & Cheese Sandwiches for ACTC on June 18th, July 9th, and August 27th. Extra hands needed!
read more2023 Lenten Bible Study, Book of Ruth (Zoom)
Interested in a Lenten Study? We’ll join Old Otterbein UMC for a 4-week Bible Study on the Book of Ruth! We will meet on Thursdays, at 7pm on Zoom. If you can read one chapter each week, it would be helpful, but not strictly necessary. Bring a friend! Call Option: 301.715.8592 htttps:// , Launch Meeting – Zoom Meeting ID: 947 2407 8594 Passcode: 986857
read moreWatch This Sunday’s Service on Facebook Click on the link to watch this Sunday’s Service on Facebook
read moreSave the date! Sat. Feb. 4th! Food, Fellowship & Game Night.
Save the date!Join us on Saturday, February 4th @4pm in the Fellowship Hall for Food, Fellowship & Game Night with your church family. All are welcome.
read moreFellowship Luncheon at Idlewylde UMC, 11/13/22 noon.
All are welcome to join us at our sister church, Idlewylde UMC, for a Spanish/Mexican themed Fellowship Luncheon following Worship. 1000 Regester Ave, Baltimore, MD 21239
read moreNo Adult Sunday School Nov 13, 2022
We are celebrating our oldest member’s birthday after the 9:30 a.m. Worship Service instead. 🙂
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