January Bible Study is happening on Tuesdays at 6pm. Pastor Kat leads the discussion following a short video of Amy-Jill Levine’s “Signs & Wonders. A Beginners Guide to the Miracles of Jesus”.
1/7/25-A Bleeding Woman and a Dead Girl. The importance of Women’s Bodies. (Matthew 9:18-26).
1/14/25-A Two-Step Miracle. Seeing Again. (Mark 8:22-26).
1/21/25-The Raising of Lazarus. Taking Death Seriously. (John 11:1-44).
1/28/25-Being Saved
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Meeting ID: 812 7415 3708
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• +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
(Status of Live Meeting in the SJUMC Library to be announced depending on weather).